Government vs. Markets

Russell Nelson nelson at
Wed Oct 5 16:26:58 PDT 1994

   From: chen at (Mark Chen)
   Date: Wed, 5 Oct 1994 15:57:03 -0700 (PDT)

   It would be helpful if we could define the word "government."  Is a
   government any organization of people, or is it any organization
   wherein some people hold coercive power over others?

It's any organization that is allowed to have a monopoly on legitimate
coercion.  When the IRA collects taxes, and provides protection,
that's thuggery.  When the British Government does the same thing,
that's perfectly fine.  <cough!>

   In either case, how are corporations different from governments?

In the main, corporations persuade and governments force.

-russ <nelson at>
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