We are ALL guests (except Eric)

Samuel Kaplin skaplin at skypoint.com
Wed Nov 30 00:13:54 PST 1994


With the recent furor over the possibility of mandatory key signing on
this list, I think we all are forgetting something. We are all guests here.
Eric is our host. I've seen proposals for voting on the issue, I've seen
posts saying "I'm not going to do it, wah wah wah." This list is analogous
to Eric's home. We are his guests. If a host asks his guests to do
something he or she has two choices, do it or leave. If someone walked into
my house and I asked them to do something and they said: "Lets vote on it,"
they would be out the door quicker than a 'toon on a banana peel. Eric has
been a gentleman about this. He is not asking those who do not wish to
comply to leave. This is Eric's house and I think we need to play by his
rules while we are here.

One caveat for Eric though, hosts with stringent rules are usually very


A government is the only know vessel that leaks from the top.
                        --James Reston--

skaplin at skypoint.com                   | "...vidi vici veni" - Overheard
                                       | outside a Roman brothel.
PGP encrypted mail is accepted and     |
preferred.                             | Change is the only constant in the
                                       | Universe..."Four quarters, please."
E-mail key at four11.com for PGP Key or   |
Finger skaplin at mirage.skypoint.com     | Smile!! Big brother is watching.

Version: 2.6.2


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