"You aren't following the _rules_!"

Don Melvin storm at marlin.ssnet.com
Tue Nov 29 15:21:36 PST 1994


There have been some good points made here about leading by example.
And about a little more protection from fraudulent posts.  Though I 
would not want to see sigs made mandatory for list postings, we 
should be making more use of digisigs, if for no other reason than 
to get them in front of more people.

That's the reason I put in the line about fingering for my PGP key.  Not
that I expect people to start sending me cryptomail, but to spread
the word a bit to those who aren't on this list.  And it's worked...
I'm gotten several questions about what it means and why I use it.

So, in that light, I'll also start signing my email and posts.  I'll
admit, though, I also use and off-line reader, so it's simple for me.
But the reason I'm off-line is the responses I got from this list
when I asked about key management.

And I'm NOT saying everyone should.  That's a personal decision and
depends on many things, work environment, system speed, personal preferance.
I'm just saying I will.

That's my $200.00 worth.  
(Why yes, I do government contracting.  How could you tell?)
- - --
America - a country so rich and so strong we can reward the lazy 
          and punish the productive and still survive (so far)

Don Melvin                  storm at ssnet.com                finger for PGP key.

Version: 2.6.2


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