"You aren't following the _rules_!"

Mark Terka werewolf at io.org
Tue Nov 29 06:57:46 PST 1994


In article <3ymskKjqR8A3073yn at skypoint.com>,
skaplin at skypoint.com (Samuel Kaplin) wrote:
>I'm basically a lazy S.O.B. when I first got my shell account I made sure
>that my provider had uqwk installed because:
>         a. I wanted to use AUTOPGP to sign all of my messages
>            automatically because I had been burned several times before on
>            forgeries.

Thats just it....I can't speak for Tim's setup but in DOS you have a couple of
mailreaders (YARN and PGPBLU) that make signing and encrytion of messages
a snap, assuming you can run some sort of SOUP/QWK routine to pull your mail.

Then, sign OR encrypt whatever you need offline and u/l it back into the
system. Hell, I even use YARN to push encrypted & chained messages through
the remailer system, and it works like a charm.

Since I can't see anyone maintaining their secret keys online (unless they
consider the sysadmins ULTRA trustworthy), offline processing of messages
is the path to follow. Simple, VERY quick and easy to implement with a couple
of keystrokes.

Offline mail processing fits the criteria needed to nudge digital signatures
and encryption overall into the mainstream, due to its speed and ease of use
(ie not having to leave the mailreader program to use PGP). Keeping the use
of signing/encrypting to one step is what makes it work.

Version: 2.6.2


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