Brad Templeton, ClariNet, and remailers

Alex de Joode usura at
Tue Nov 22 15:36:11 PST 1994

In article <aaf7ed2a000210042b2a@[]> you stated:

: I might be the (ex-)remailer operator in question.  I find Brad's lack of
: knowledge about remailers quite surprising in light of almost 4 hours of
: conversation devoted solely to this topic, by telephone, over the course of
: a month.

My remailers have been used several times, to redistribute ClariNet articles,
apperantly ClariNet has an "snitch"-line where people can mail to to get an
reward, some people have the courtisy to inform the remail-operator that 
they have done so. 

I have *never* received any request for information from ClariNet. 
(maybe because my 5-line disclaimer says it all: the account used was an
 anonymous-remailer: so if you donnot like that, start your own !!)

Exit! Stage Left.
Alex de Joode					<usura at>

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