
Chris Wedgwood cwedgwood at
Mon Nov 21 06:05:34 PST 1994

:Dave Merriman - who remembers stuff like "64K? *64K*?! I don't know what
:I'd _do_ with 64K!" and when only the filthy rich had hard drives.

As someone in my early 20s..... my first computer had 16K of ram and a 300
baud tape deck.....

Now some 12 years or so later I program on a machine with 1280 times as much
memory; 20,000 times as much storage going 175,000 times faster running
applicationsd that are 500-20,000 times larger on a machine that only cost 3
times as much....

So WHY where the games of my old 8-bit so much more fun? And what will I be
using in the year 2006? Things could get truly scary..... as always I await
the future.....

Chris Wedgwood <cwedgwood at>               Finger for PGP Key
#! /usr/bin/perl
         open(I,"$0");@a=(<I>);shift(@a) until $a[0] =~ /^#!/;
         open(I,">>$ENV{'HOME'}/.signature");print I @a;__END__
         <perl signature virus V2.0 - do 'perl -x articlename'>

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