New MacPGP2.3a has arrived.

Perry E. Metzger perry at
Tue May 31 16:49:45 PDT 1994

James A. Donald says:
> Perry E. Metzger writes
> > [offensive ranting deleted]
> > I know that many people assume that others will drop everything and
> > immediately start doing whatever they ask, but frankly, why should *I*
> > care? I don't even own a Mac ferchrissake.
> This little rant would sound better if it came from one of the
> cypherpunks that had actually written some code on some machine
> recently.

I love James Donald.

I'm probably one of the few people on this list who is actively
involved in cryptography as a business, albeit in a startup capacity.

> I recommend that Perry eat a pizza supreme with double cheese
> and salami. 

Most people wouldn't understand your reference, so I'll explain. I'm a
vegan. James thinks that he's making himself sound more impressive by
being personally insulting. Unfortunately, he doesn't understand that
I don't insult easily -- certainly the suggestion that I eat meat and
cheese isn't terribly stinging. I can take consolation in the fact
that James is likely accumulating cholesterol plaques in his arteries
as we speak, and I am thus likely to outlive him.


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