Unicorn vs. tmp at netcom

Mike Markley mmarkley at microsoft.com
Thu May 26 09:48:14 PDT 1994

| From: Cyber City  <cyber1 at io.org>

<< partial quote removed >>

| Likewise, when you were tested recently by net abuse, you went for
| relief to your master, the government.  This is what distinguishes you
| from the rest of us.  We might react against the abuse (or we might
| not), but I think that none of us - or at least a very few - would have
| gone to court for relief.

I would have no problems at all going to court as a solution. Posting 
so called 'flamebait' does not make it right for someone to respond 
with attacks on the character of the original poster. If you must post 
responses to flamebait then attack the content of the article. As to 
the comments about contract murder, If you chose this route based on 
the economy of it, what are you going to do when you are arrested for 
the murder? I don't think the courts are going to buy a plea of "It was 
cheaper to deal with the problem this way."

I don't think that this type of litigation is going to impact the free 
flow of information. Attacks on the character of the poster of the 
information are more likely to limit the flow than anything else. I'm 
not trying to sound PC here because I personally find the PC movement 
very offensive, but if you have a problem with someone deal with it 
privately and don't air your dirty laundry in public.


<< rest of quote removed >>

Mike Markley <mmarkley at microsoft.com>

I'm not a Microsoft spokesperson. All opinions expressed here are mine.

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