MBone cypherpunks session...

Lile Elam lile at netcom.com
Fri May 6 14:00:03 PDT 1994

>What is the point here? The MBONE isn't like usenet. Sessions aren't
>free. Personaly, I'd say that frivolous use of the mbone will alienate

I disagree. The MBone is here for us to use. Sessions do cost traffic
but not actual dollors to individuals who actually bring it up. You
may be limited by the connection you have to the Internet or by the
router you have that interconnects you to the Internet though, which will
determine what you can see and do on the MBone..

I also feel that such a message that I sent will be well received on the 
net. I doubt it's going to alienate folks. People are human and like alittle 
humor with the salt.


Sad news though. I just found out that the MBone sessions I brought
up are not seen outside of my site due to router setups.

But I will be able to do such things in the future and you can bet I
will. :)  Prehaps you would feel better if I didn't actually use the term 
cypherpunks as you feel it might represent the cypherpunks on this mailing
list. I think this is not so. Isn't that term a general one for folks
who like to work with encryption and are hackers?


Lile Elam	    |  "Remember... No matter where you go, there you are."
lile at netcom.com     |		
Un*x Admin / Artist |			 Buckaroo Banzai

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