Digital Cash

Jer! jsday at THUNDER.LakeheadU.CA
Thu Mar 24 15:19:55 PST 1994

Mike Duvos <mpd at> wrote:
> Assuming the transactions are done via a tamperproof module
> distributed by the issuer, and the math is arranged such that
> using a note in multiple transactions reveals the perpetrator,
> the system prevents anonymous double-spending while still
> providing all the benefits of digital cash.
How does the 'tamperproof' nature of the software help at all?
It's still possible to double-spend in any off-line cash system
by making multiple copies of the tamper-proof modules.. the only
security provided is in obscuring the algorithm.
Speaking of digital cash, many thanks to the author of the
'magic money' software.  I am in the process of integrating it
with a local bulletin board, which should hopefully be available
on the net sometime this summer.  
:::*::: Jeremy S. Day.

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