EFF gun-shy of legally employing PGP (fwd)

Fred Heutte phred at well.sf.ca.us
Thu Mar 17 22:10:12 PST 1994

While Mike may indeed be correct about the incremental effectiveness
of using PGP *at this time*, I think Eric's point is the more important --
that as a leading organization promoting electronic privacy and access,
EFF ought to set an example, one positive offshoot of which might be
an *improvement* in EFF's communication effectiveness since the spoofing
issue can be dealt with so much more easily.

This is really a wake-up call to all of us, I think.  I've had PGP
sitting around on the shelf for a while now, and I'm not using it . . .
yet.  But that's going to change.

If *we* don't take advantage of these tools now, in effect defining their
use and showing their benefits, then who will?  

Those who lobby and advocate on behalf of these tools and approaches ought
to have direct experience with them.  It will make our efforts more
authentically based on experience and thus more effective.

Fred Heutte
Sunlight Data Systems
phred at well.sf.ca.us  phred at teleport.com

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