Locating Color Copiers

John C. Brice ag588 at cleveland.Freenet.Edu
Mon Mar 14 07:04:39 PST 1994

>nobody at soda.berkeley.edu says...
>> On a slightly related topic, I know of an instance where the
>> Secret Service located a stolen color copier with somewhat 
>> greater speed than one might have expected.
>1. Why was the secret service looing for stolen property?

The Secret Service is a division of the Treasury Department.  One of their
main duties is tracking down counterfeiters.  If someone has stolen a color
copy machine, there's a very good chance that it was stolen for the end
purpose of counterfeiting.  So I would imagine that that would be why the
SS would be looking for this particular stolen property.  Make sense?

I am an attorney, seeking a position in the area of Computer Law.  If you
know of such a position available, or of someone who may know of such a
position, please send e-mail!  Thanks.

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