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cowen at cowen at
Wed Mar 9 10:41:07 PST 1994

re the issuing of smart cards in france.
 when will we in the US of A be issued our ID card? already in some states
 you hve to have so much id just to get a drivers liscence that it is not
 funny. recently my fiancee lost her date book, for her it is a purse
 anything about her that would be needed to form another history via id
 was in there. and being adopted she did not have a copy of her birth
 certificate.. makes you wonder if the "smart card" is reaaly the better
 idea. to make it seem good to folks, lets have encryption in the card
 we can access certain parts of the card, via our own password, given it would have
 to be a hard to get password, something like 2BeoR^3%iT in at least 10
 charactors long. we could all have them hooked to our money supply
 that would cut down on the fake card/money/credit business a bit
 and give us more ability to be controled by the governing bodies
 if we fail to pay the IRS one year, they could just take it out
 at their stations in the big office at the IRS building.
 or even the voting, pass it through the voting booth reader
 and key int he ones you want to help control your life.

 neato,, do away with all the bulky change i carry around too!!

 charles the monster maker

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