DE-crypting (trivial case)

cort cort at
Tue Jun 21 09:17:12 PDT 1994

> I was wondering if anyone knew of software that
> does decryption of weakly encrypted messages,
> i.e., similar to ROT13, but perhaps ROT(x) where
> 0<x<26?  Or maybe a bit more sophisticated, but
> not even at the single DES level?

There is stuff to be had.  Look on the ftp sites (especially ripem.

crypt200 by John K. Taber helps solve transposition and substitution

> Also...anyone know of any histogram software?
> i.e., I input a file, it counts how many
> letters of each type, and outputs it in a
> table and/or a graph?

Again, lots of statistics gathering software in the crypt directories
lying around the internet.

> If not, I'll have to (horrors!) write code!

I have examined a couple of these software packages and found some
of them very powerful.  However, all I have seen are interactive.
I want a pipe (ciphertext in; plaintext out).  This is completely
feasible for large classes of substitution/transposition ciphers.

I have ideas and _some_ code.

Some of the concepts to look for include isomorphisms and cross

Good luck!


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