Chaining through Soda

nobody at nobody at
Sat Jun 18 22:19:08 PDT 1994

> Could someone give me some advice on chaining? I'm thinking of bouncing
> a message fisrt thru hacktic and then soda (as you can Usenet post from
> there) but need some tips as i seem to have trouble getting the encryption
> sequences correct.

I dunno.  Has anyone succeeded in doing that?  I can't recall 
ever getting a chained and encrypted message posted through soda.  
Messages sent there as plaintext seem to get posted just fine.  
Could it be that:

1.) They wont post CHAINED Usenet bulletins, or;

2.) They are rejecting messages encrypted with PGP 2.3a rather 
    than 2.6.

Any success stories?

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