Prime magnitude and keys...a ?

Rick Busdiecker rfb at
Fri Jun 17 16:25:40 PDT 1994

    From: SINCLAIR  DOUGLAS N <sinclai at>
    Date: 	Fri, 17 Jun 1994 11:55:01 -0400

    Perry and I are talking about the algormithm (If it exists) being
    O(log_2(n)).  That is, "log base 2 of n".  This means that the
    time taken is proportional to the log to the base two of the
    number of keys.

Actually, for a brief moment there, I thought that Jim choate might
have a partial clue, i. e. that he was pointing out that O(log2 n) is
equivalent to O(ln n), O(log10 n), or whatever base you want.


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