Prime magnitude and keys...a ?

Mike Duvos mpd at
Fri Jun 17 08:47:57 PDT 1994

Jim choate <ravage at> writes:

 > I was wondering if anyone is aware of a function or test
 > which would allow a person to feed PGP or other RSA
 > algorithm a test key and then look at the result and
 > determine if the key was greater or lesser than the actual
 > key?

This is an approach that I haven't heard of before.  If one could
determine the numerical ordering of two different keys used to
RSA-encrypt the same piece of plaintext by examining the
ciphertext, one could easily break RSA by a binary search of the

Given two moduli N1 and N2, and some plaintext P, and PGP's
favorite encryption exponent, 17, you need to determine if
N1 < N2 by examining P^17 MOD N1 and P^17 MOD N2.  Although this
is only a one-bit function, it clearly depends upon P in a very
complicated way.  Since P is unknown and deliberately made random
in practical RSA implementations, I am not sure such an attack
shows much promise.  I would guess that this would be at least as
complicated as solving an RSA or discrete log problem directly.

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     mpd at     $    via Finger.                      $

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