Cypherpunks' Electronic Book2

Eric Hughes hughes at
Wed Jun 1 08:28:09 PDT 1994

      Well, my evil plan to volunteer Eric Hughes's time  for my
   Cypherpunk's Electronic Book has not worked out as well as I had hoped

If you really had me in particular in mind, you should use private
email.  Since you did not, I assume there are others you may be trying
to interest.

   Eric, it is crucial to the project that
   you give out permissions for some people to change Majordomo, 

I can't give you that permission; I don't have that permission myself.

More generally, just because the cypherpunks list runs on
does not mean that is a common resource for all list members.
Gary is not the first to assume this; I do hope he will be one of the

   I think
   CEB will generate a life of its own.

Four incarnation of a cypherpunks FAQ did not generate a life of their
own.  I see this as having strong parallels.

Let me repeat my earlier suggestion.  You, Gary Jeffers, can run this
out of your own account with a mail filter.  If you can't write it
yourself, you can ask for someone to help you set it up.  Everyone
who's put up a remailer has put up something similar to what you want.


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