What can one do for remail operators?

Russell Nelson nelson at crynwr.com
Thu Jul 28 09:32:16 PDT 1994

   From: Philippe Nave <pdn at msmail.dr.att.com>
   Date: Thu, 28 Jul 94 09:03:00 MDT

   I think the single most important thing we could do for remailer operators
   would be to figure out how to make the remailers *truly* *anonymous*. That
   is, we need a net.hack of some sort that allows remailers to send their
   messages in a way that leaves no trace whatsoever of the original poster
   *and* leaves no trace of the remailer itself.

I don't think that's possible.  A host can always tell what other host
connected to it to deliver the mail.  That's a requirement of the TCP

However, what I think remailers *can* do is create a web of remailers
that's large enough that removal of any one site isn't going to affect
the web.  That pretty much means that the web needs to automatically
keep track of all the web members, and the software that creates the
chain of messages needs to query that list.

-russ <nelson at crynwr.com>    http://www.crynwr.com/crynwr/nelson.html
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