
Russell Nelson nelson at
Thu Jul 21 12:12:54 PDT 1994

   Date: Thu, 21 Jul 94 14:18:59 EDT
   From: wrevans at (Ward R. Evans)

   >Replies have never, ever, not even once resulted in anything
   >constructive and usually create huge flamewars on the list.  Please,
   >please, don't feed the animals."

   lets talk issues and technology and raise the SNR.

Two ways to kill off a flamewar: rant and rage to the list about how
awful the flamewar is, or overwhelm the flamewar with good content.
Remember, Cypherpunks write code (which I guess means that I'm not a
Cypherpunk, but we can only each save our *own* corner of the world).

-russ <nelson at>
Crynwr Software   | Crynwr Software sells packet driver support | ask4 PGP key
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Potsdam, NY 13676 | LPF member - ask me about the harm software patents do.

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