Leaving the Country

Perry E. Metzger perry at imsi.com
Sun Jul 17 15:31:05 PDT 1994

Timothy C. May says:
> I say "popularization" instead of coinage, because Goldwater use a
> variant ("There isn't...") in his 1964 campaign, reportedly written by
> one of his speech writers, Karl Hess. (The same Karl Hess who is
> involved in libertarian matters.)

The same Karl Hess (sadly departed on the same day as Tricky Dick
Nixon) who wrote for Goldwater: "Extremism in the defense of liberty
is no vice, moderation no virtue" (or something like that; I can't
remember the exact words). Hess was an anarchist, and open about it.
When he died, the New York Times obituary for him refered to him as an
important Republican who had "reversed views" and become an anarchist,
never understanding what his views had been all along.

Goldwater was a friend of his to the end. Recently, some Republicans
have been shocked to discover that Goldwater supports equal treatment
under the law (although not "affirmative action" or other similar
crud) for Homosexuals and other similar unattractive groups, and that
he holds other evil "liberal" views. Some conservatives have gone so
far as to denounce him for "slipping". They never have understood what
his views have been all along, either.

However, might I point out that none of this has anything to do with


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