4th ammendment and Cryptography

Lefty lefty at apple.com
Fri Jan 28 16:02:36 PST 1994

>sender: Phil Karn <karn at qualcomm.com>:
>> Worst of all are the complete loonies (some apparently on this list)
>> who assert that guns are an essential protection against a tyrannical
>> US Federal Government. Those who believe this have apparently never
>> heard of the US Civil War, because the South tried exactly this over
>> 130 years ago. (They failed, BTW.)  It succeeded only in destroying
>> most of an entire generation of Americans, along with much of the
>> country. And that was before some rather significant advances in US
>> military weaponry, vis a vis privately owned weapons.
>> ...
>> Phil
>This guy scares me more than any number of "gun nuts"...

Perhaps I'm foolish for asking, but what, precisely, has any of this to do
with _cryptography_?

Could you all go out back and shoot it out, perhaps?

Lefty (lefty at apple.com)
C:.M:.C:., D:.O:.D:.

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