Free US Patent Searches! [REPOST]

Wed Jan 26 07:17:10 PST 1994

I received this message this morning and thought that some on the list
might be interested in taking advantage of the service in order to
get crypto patent info.
          trestrab at

           [ This is a repost -- the first attempt apparently did
          not make it out of my site correctly.  Sorry if you see this
          more than once.  Anyway, I thought that the people reading
          the groups this is being posted to would be interested in
          this info.  If you have questions, please send them to
          spo_info at, not to me.  Feel free to repost this
          anyplace appropriate.  --chx ]

Free US Patent Searches!

Electronic Data Systems' Shadow Patent Office (SPO) is offering 
the Internet community free electronic mail-based patent search
services until 5:00 pm CST, January 28th.  Keyword and manual
searches are now obsolete.  With the EDS SPO technology, patent
research is now based on the concepts and ideas expressed.  

The purpose of providing free searches is to determine the 
interest in such a service within the Internet community, identify
any performance bottlenecks not identified in our simulation
testing, and to obtain feedback from the Internet community.

The SPO database contains US full-text patents from 1972 to the 
present.   SPO utilizes the EDS-designed, high performance MAYA 
Concept Search Engine.   SPO is dedicating 16 of the 32 MAYA 
CPUs and 20 Gigabytes of RAM for the test.  The 1.7 
million patents contain 80 gigabytes of textual data.  MAYA 
is used to determine the 100 closest patents from the 1.7 million 
patents in the SPO database.   

To obtain a search, simply address an Internet mail message to
spo_net_test at  SPO is offering Internet users 
access to two types of searches:  subject search and infringement 

For a subject search, include in the mail text from 1/4 to 2 pages
of text that describes the invention and then send the message.  
A mail reply will be returned to the sender with the search 
results  The search results include the title, patent id, class
and subclass, issue date, and rank of the 100 closest patents. 

For an infringement search, include the words "patent id:",
followed by a space, and a patent number.  The patent number must
be exactly 8 digits with a leading zero and no commas.

patent id: 04626836   

Text from the chosen patent will be compared with the 1.7 million
patents in the database.  The search results include the title,
patent id, class and subclass, issue date, and rank of the 100
closest patents.     
To get narrower, more specific search results, you can emphasize 
unique features by weighting important words when doing a subject
or infringement search.  The following examples will help you
weight keywords related to a subject or infringement search.

Weighting Examples:

I.      Subject Search Example

--- keywords ---
calendaring scheduling electronic
--- keywords ---

A method of scheduling meetings . . .

II.     Infringement Search Example

patent id: 04626836

--- keywords ---
calendaring scheduling electronic
--- keywords ---

For more information on constructing searches and to see sample
search reports, you may access SPO's help document by addressing
an Internet mail message to spo_net_test at  In the mail
text simply type the word help.  A help and sample file will be
returned to you.   

If you would like to send us your comments and/or suggestions,
please send a mail message to spo_info at

The information obtained from this free trial will play a
significant role in finalizing the product to be offered to the
Internet community.  A second free trial is to be scheduled after
incorporating your suggestions.

During this testing period, the response time will depend on the
amount of activity on the system.  Based on the volume of usage
during this testing period, EDS SPO will adjust the number of
computers available to produce replies in a timely manner.
cheeks at

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