Clipper and Entrapment!

Jonathan Scott Mallin jmallin at
Mon Feb 28 12:44:14 PST 1994

Perhaps mandatory encryption will be struck down by a court.  It seems to 
me that if the government portrays this as a "safe" method of encryption 
criminals can make the claim that they would not have committed crimes if 
they didn't feel that their encryption was secure.  Since the government 
promotes this false sense of security the government may in fact "create" 
additional crime.

I am not saying that I believe this argument.. it is, however, one that 
can be made.

        _            __  __      _ _ _        
    _  | |___ _ _   |  \/  |__ _| | (_)_ _   <*>  Jonathan Scott Mallin
   | |_| / _ \ ' \  | |\/| / _` | | | | ' \  <*>  <jmallin at>
    \___/\___/_||_| |_|  |_\__,_|_|_|_|_||_| <*>  Email for PGP key 
-> This entire message is (C) 1994 by Jonathan Mallin.  Reproduction is <-
-> prohibited without express written consent.                          <-

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