VIRTUAL meeting needed

Jesse Montrose jesse at
Sat Feb 26 15:23:41 PST 1994

>I agree... IRC is much too limited compared to the bast virtual realities 
>of MOOs, and IRC is also much more unrealible... we have IRC for about 12 
>hours a day, simply because the server for IRC keeps killing itself :(

Another vote here for a MOO, as opposed to IRC.  If done right, MOO meetings
are much easier to follow, IMNSHO..

Jesse V. Montrose  |tellmesomethingidontknowsellmesomethingicantusepushthebutt
jesse at   |onconnectthegoddamneddotsliveinthiefinmybedroombathroomcom
jesse at|moditysodomyglassautonomypromiseeverythingtakeitallawaygiv
PGP|FTP /pub/jesse |eitarestyourelyingthroughyourteeth                Ministry

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