WWW Anonymous Remailer Software release

CVL staff member Nate Sammons nate at VIS.ColoState.EDU
Wed Feb 2 13:51:12 PST 1994


I have modified my WWW Anonymous remailer interface and put it up
for ftp on vangogh.vis.colostate.edu in /pub/nate/remailer

There is a README in there which should explain how to set it
up, but if I missed anything, please tell me.

The remailer no longer needs you to tell it that you're using the 
remailers, it just knows.

Hope you like it,

- -nate

- -- 
| Nate Sammons <nate at VIS.ColoState.Edu> <nate at yuma.ANCS.ColoState.Edu>  |
|      Colorado State University Computer Visualization Laboratory      |
|    Data Visualization/Interrogation, Modeling, Animation, Rendering   |

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