GUI: PGP vs novices

Jeff Licquia jalicqui at
Wed Dec 21 12:45:09 PST 1994


>Jeff Licquia writes:

And yes, you're forgiven for posting private E-mail. :-)

Again, not a flame, just a warning to be more careful.  I really didn't mind
in this case; however, you might be likely to find someone who would be in

>>Just a small nit, but it appears that you're running something
>>Windows-compatible on your desk (the DOS box and all that).  Are you aware
>>of the good Windows tools for PGP?  The particular one I use (PGPClip by
>>Mike Meyer) uses the clipboard, and is very nice and simple.
>Exactly my point Jeff.  Thank you for justifying what I said....**WINK**, 
>In order to even use PGPClip, it involves something OUTSIDE the mail 
>application.  (Although, it does sound intriguing to me.)  Anyway, this is yet 
>another example of the user needing to be fully conscious that they are 
>signing or encrypting.  It should be second nature.  In order for it to become 
>second nature, it MUST be included in the design of the mail package. (Or News 
>reader, or FTP software, whatever.)
>Third party utilities make a piece of software harder to use.  That's a given. 

Granted.  However, I'm unfortunately not a developer for a mail package,
which means I can only offer you a stopgap.

However, since writing you, I did remember another resource.  There's a
commercial mailer called ZMail which is being talked about in 
It's supposedly extensible, and Guy Berliner has written scripts for it
which put an "Encrypt" and "Decrypt" button on his mailer's toolbar.

Noticing you're from Spry, however, I may be encouraging you to use a
competitor's package.  Perhaps you could wield some influence to get the
Internet-in-a-Box developers to integrate PGP into their mailer?

>>Not a flame, or even a spark.  Just wanting to make life easier for crypto
>Didn't see any sparks at all, Jeff.  I am interested in PGPClip (at least to 
>look at) does anyone have an FTP site pointer where I could find it?  

Unfortuantely, no.  I got it directly from Mike Meyer.  I can send you a
copy via mail if you're interested.

Version: 2.6.2


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