McCoy is Right! New Mail Format to Start Now. +1-510-484-6204 wcs at
Mon Dec 19 15:33:26 PST 1994

Oh, get real, Lucky!  My mail reader here is neither inadequate nor
(particularly) buggy - it's good old "Mail", and when somebody posts
MIME mail, it quite accurately shows me the real ASCII the mail is made of -
I wish my other mail reader would do that.  (It's Microsoft Mail,
a closed, buggy, really appalling system that chokes on  messages with
more than 64K of non-attachment message body, and chokes badly on >132K.)

If there were a convenient MIME viewer to pop in as my PAGER,
I might have mail use it rather than less -sc, my current preference.

But meanwhile, a MIME is a terrible thing to waste.....

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