FV & PGP (was Re: First Virtual email security)

NetSurfer jdwilson at gold.chem.hawaii.edu
Sat Dec 17 23:13:18 PST 1994


On Sat, 17 Dec 1994 nsb at nsb.fv.com wrote:

> Once more, with feeling:
> It is NOT an either/or.  In the First Virtual system, the credit card
> number NEVER GOES OVER THE NET AT ALL, which means that it doesn't go
> over the net in the clear AND it doesn't go over the net encrypted.  

I got your point from your first response.  The remaining 5 were not
necessary.  I do not continue to question this point.

But I might point out that companys doing business on the net might not
like having the details of their day to day transactions sniffable, as you
can build quite a good business intelligence profile from that type of
info.  As can the IRS, FBI, etc.  Nor would they appreciate being spoofed...

I strongly suggest you take another serious consideration of implementing
encryption *now* rather than later, as your current scheme is not
thorughly protecting the privacy of individuals or organizations until you

- -NetSurfer

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==  =     = |James D. Wilson        |V.PGP 2.7:   512/E12FCD 1994/03/17 >
 "  "  o  " |P. O. Box 15432        |     finger for full PGP key        >
 "  " / \ " |Honolulu, HI  96830    |====================================>
\"  "/ G \" |Serendipitous Solutions|    Also NetSurfer at sersol.com      >

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