QUERY: S/Keyish PGP?

L. Todd Masco cactus at seabsd.hks.net
Sat Dec 17 16:33:08 PST 1994


A quick question: Has anybody considered the possibility of hacking
something into PGP's password protection to allow an S/Key like access?

IE, I'm sitting here in FL on a 2400 bps modem, telnetted through Netcom's
dialup to hks.net, so I'm not bloody likely to be typing my passphrase
in and thus am barred from using PGP (without hideous contortions, that

My questions:

	- Has anybody done any work on making an S/Key-like mechanism
	with the assumption that the machine running PGP is (somewhat)
	secure?  This I'm certain is technically possible.  More complex:

	- Has anybody put any thought into a mechanism based upon one-time
	passwords for regulating PGP private key use on shared, insecure
	machines (strength == quality of password, of course)?  If people
	could have a widget very much like the Macintosh S/Key widget on
	their Mac fom which they could cut-n-paste their one time password,
	it seems like we'd be one step closer to addressing concerns like

Just a thought... A GUCAPI would make such a mechanism easier, of course
(I haven't abandoned the GUCAPI thought: I'm just gestating).
- ---
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