McCoy is Right! New Mail Format to Start Now.

Timothy C. May tcmay at
Wed Dec 14 18:11:19 PST 1994

Notice: MPEG-II Video Mail Attached: Quicktime 2.1-compatible. This
messages has been formatted as a HyperMIME document. Do not attempt to
read it on a non-HyperMIME-compliant system.

ASCII-only portion--hit "n" to download the MPEG-II attachment, hit
"^&-D" to stop the automatic transfer which has already begun, hit
"##23" to receive a QuarkExpress document describing how to use
HyperMIME. If you see garbage characters below, in the ASCII portion
of this message, it means you are not on the bleeding edge of

Fij4 at Jim McCoy 89g1~wroteiio900deW:

ASCII Excerpt> tcmay at (Timothy C. May) writes:
ASCII Excerpt> [...]
ASCII Excerpt> > This is not a flame, but there sure has been an increase in the
ASCII Excerpt> > frequency of this strange MIME messages lately.
ASCII Excerpt> 
ASCII Excerpt> Probably because that is the direction mail is going.  If you can't do it
ASCII Excerpt> too bad, but don't expect everyone else to wait around for you to catch
ASCII Excerpt> up. Time to move your mail into the early 90s and get a MIME-aware mail
ASCII Excerpt> agent... 
ASCII Excerpt> 
ASCII Excerpt> jim

FG00998Thanks, Jim, I think you're right. This parochial dependency on archaic things like ASCII and the sentimental attachment we have to 80-column displays is keeping us from advancing. 

(You'll know you're stuck in the 80-column swamp if the quoted message above overran your, I am switching to a 120-column mode
soon, and may adopt a 1280 x 1024 dual column format for all of my messages. If you can't read it, time to move your mail into the early 90s!

NOTICE: The JPEG-II movie that accompanies this message has been
installed in your root directory. It can be viewed with the
HyperMIMEPlayer software, version 1.04 (but don't use 1.03 or earlier,
as that will crash your system!).

The .WAV files can be listened to with version 4.2 or later MIMEaural

The Singularity is approaching...soon we'll be changing our system
software every few days to keep up with the incompatible messages
being sent. I love it.

[Tim May's ASCII sig has been replaced by a more modern Postscript
version, which was downloaded while you were reading this message and
sent directly to your laser printer. All part of HyperMIME making
your life easier.]

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