<none specified>

Anonymous nobody at jpunix.com
Wed Dec 14 11:46:57 PST 1994


Black Unicorn writes:
>  The modular PGP project has been out there for almost a year.  Any
>  progress on this front?  Does anyone care?

I percieve a 'chilling effect' going on with PGP compatible application development.  Nobody wants to extract the core PGP code into a library because the code is dense and who wants to do that every update?  Likewise with using PGPTools.  Who wants to re
write their application when the official PGP library materializes?  So people are waiting...

Could we get some updates on what is happening with the official pgp development?  If it's not coming soon, or not at all, it would be nice to know so we can get going on improving PGPTools or writing our own.

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