A few articles of interest...

Alan Olsen alano at teleport.com
Sun Dec 11 10:25:51 PST 1994

For those who have not seen it...

The January 1995 issue of Dr. Dobbs has tw articles of interest.

-  Bruce Schneier has an article on GOST.  (A Soviet varient on DES.)

-  An article on RC5 by Ron Rivest!  (Which includes source code!)

Dr. Dobbs has had a number of good crypto related articles as of late.
(Having  a regular column by Bruce Scheier could be part of it...)

Also, for those who are interested in Windows 95 (users 0)...  Andrew
Schulman has an article on Windows 95 from the inside.  (This is part of his
new book and the reason he got kicked off of the beta team.)  Interesting
|       "Encryption ROT13s your mind."            | alano at teleport.com   |
|"Would you rather be tortured by the government  | Disclaimer:          |
|forces or the people's liberation army?" -mklprc | Ignore the man       |
|   -- PGP 2.6.2 key available on request --      |  behind the keyboard.|

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