anonymous-remailer at shell.portal.com anonymous-remailer at shell.portal.com
Sun Dec 11 09:01:01 PST 1994


lcottrell at popmail.ucsd.edu (Lance Cottrell) is known to have said:

LC>I propose two changes:
  >1) To facilitate replying to nyms, I should be able to send mail to the
  >remailer indicating the nym it should appear to be from. Then a recipient
  >would simply hit reply, and the response would go back to the real sender.

LC>2) I propose the use of message pools rather than return addresses. With
  >enough subscribers, the best way to do this would be using mailing lists.
  >There already exist many tools which could filter out all pool message
  >other than yours.

Does anyone have the help-file for the anonymous pool of the extropia-
remailer, the one of <pool0-request>?
In the interest of widespread usage, please post it to the entire list.

If you can, please also let us know if there is a way for us to subscribe
via an anonymous remailer to an address we designate, like for instance
with the command

      subscribe special at address.here

where the special address given is obviously different from the one in the
header of the subscription message (which would merely be a remailer).

- -----------------------------------

Does anyone know more about Sameer's C2-services?
In the interest of widespread usage, please post a summary to the entire
cypherpunks-list.   Also urge others to copy, forward and post elsewhere.

- -----------------------------------

Last, I support the idea of a while ago that the remailer-operators mailing
list should be open for public subscription so all those interested can get
on and follow what is happened there.  But how do we subscribe?
Let us know, Sameer!
- ---
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