AA BBS - Thomases are going to jail...

Duncan Frissell frissell at panix.com
Mon Dec 5 13:26:30 PST 1994

At 11:30 AM 12/5/94 PST, hkhenson at cup.portal.com wrote:

>Part of the Federal Government's law enforcement mechanism is under 
>the control of the Religious Right.  

Stuff about the AA BBS bust elided.

One should note that this prosecution is similar to others carried out
against the sellers of physical visual pornography for years.  The stings
have been carried out by both Republican and Democratic federal prosecutors
usually in border states.  They started before there was an official
Religious Right.  The US Attorney in this case may have been a Democrat
since most Republicans were replaced by Clinton.  He, she, or it is probably
not a member of the RR.

>I find the situation intolerable--without having a clear idea of how 
>to deal with it. 

There will be an appeal.

>Certainly *any* system which carries alt.sex.* is subject to the same 
>treatment by the Religious Right (in the guise of the Memphis Feds) as 
>AA BBS.  In fact, the very .gifs that were found obscene in Memphis 
>were made "freely distribute," by Robert and have been posted *many* 
>times to the net. 

That will be an interesting case.

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