
L. Todd Masco cactus at seabsd.hks.net
Mon Dec 5 09:44:37 PST 1994


In article <199412050839.AAA11133 at netcom18.netcom.com>,
Timothy C. May <tcmay at netcom.com> wrote:
>I won't say it's a scam, but a lot of people think it is/was. I
>thought it had died some months back, when all posts (of which there
>had previously been many) suddnly stopped. 

They've resumed.  The partners had a falling out of some sort, and
the "Eric Klein" one has progressed.

The Oceania posts for the last n months can be read via NNTP from
nntp.hks.net, newsgroup hks.lists.oceania.

>The idea of soliciting "contributions" to fund some kind of seagoing
>barge, sinkable with a single torpedo (anonymous delivered, easily
>enough), is crazy. 

They're getting more productive than that.  The current plan is that
they're trying to help launch a business that designs and builds sea
structures.  They've got some pretty good ideas, and are focusing now
more on the idea of producing small tangible results that may one day
build to their desired goal.

I'm still skeptical as to their chances for success, though, but if
enough people with some pragmatic sense get sucked in, there is a chance...
- -- 
Todd Masco     | "Roam home to a dome, Where Georgian and Gothic once stood
cactus at hks.net |  Now chemical bonds alone guard our blond(e)s,
cactus at bb.com  |  And even the plumbing looks good."  - B Fuller
- ---
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