Disclaimer within signed body?

owner-cypherpunks at hks.net owner-cypherpunks at hks.net
Sat Dec 3 12:04:58 PST 1994


In article <199412031833.KAA17387 at largo.remailer.net>,
Eric Hughes <eric at remailer.net> wrote:
>Now as far as aesthetics, this has got a lot of screenjunk in it.  It
>does, however, represent exactly what is going on in a way that the
>right kind of MIME capable reader can make exact use of.
>I'm not advocating this.  I do think, though, that a minimal solution
>to all the criteria at once looks a lot like this.

Somewhat, yes.  As the aesthetics are important to me (which is why
I avoid MIME as a rule), I'll avoid doing a MIME-compliant solution
until MIME is integrated better with MUAs.  Which in practice means
that until it's part of emacs/vm, since that's what I use.  

I'm not currently concerned that the separation be computer-parsable,
as long as it's human-parsable.
- -- 
Todd Masco     | "Roam home to a dome, Where Georgian and Gothic once stood
cactus at hks.net |  Now chemical bonds alone guard our blond(e)s,
cactus at bb.com  |  And even the plumbing looks good."  - B Fuller
- ---
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