Easy-to-use signature software

Alan Bostick abostick at netcom.com
Fri Dec 2 10:36:44 PST 1994


People who aren't yet able to securely use PGP to post to the cypherpunks
mailing list, take heart.  Eric has indicated that he doesn't care which
flavor of encryption software you use.

I have a user-friendly version of the encryption algorithm most widely
used on the Internet.  I haven't uploaded it to any FTP sites yet, but
if you email me, I can send you a copy of the source code. 

Version 2.71828

V jebgr guvf zrffntr.  Abobql ryfr qvq.  Nalbar jub
fnlf bgurejvfr vf n yvne.  Guvf uvtu-grpu qvtvgny
fvtangher vf gur cebbs bs zl pynvz.
nobfgvpx at argpbz.pbz (Nyna Obfgvpx)


                          | For me, to be a feminist is to answer the
   Alan Bostick           | question "Are women human?" with a yes.
   abostick at netcom.com    | 
finger for PGP public key |      Katha Pollitt, REASONABLE CREATURES
Key fingerprint:          | 
50 22 FB 46 41 A3 17 9D F7 33 FF E1 4E 1C 89 79  +legal_kludge=off

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