Larry is at it again, and is flaming old Eric now.

Anonymous User nobody at
Fri Dec 2 00:06:45 PST 1994

[BIG flamo at Eric deleted... it ain't worth printing]

To keep Larry from forging in my name, I am going to fight fire
with fire, and am going to anon post this.

Dude, what did Eric Hughes do to you to get you so rabid?  As soon as you
were found out, you started drooling.  Ask your local vet school for
your first series of rabies shots... you NEED them.

Eric Hughes spends his time and money for support of this list.  Do you?
Probably not.  If he wants signatures, ITS HIS DAMN LIST.

Enough of flaming at you, buddy.  You are too wasted to hear anything
but your typing and drool dropping to the floor as you try to spam
this list again.

About two months ago, Tim May bitched about the coming of a ton of dillweeds
on the Net.  Guess I agree on this point with him.

LD, there is something called Electro Convulsive Therapy.  It does a good job
of helping cases that would otherwise be too far gone for medicine.  Take
a good look at getting treatment.  It seems you need it.

-- A lurker who does not like 
the maintainer of this list getting
treated like crap for trying something

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