Why nothing works <g> [Was: Mandatory sig workaround]

Timothy C. May tcmay at netcom.com
Thu Dec 1 19:30:38 PST 1994

Wow! Maybe becuase I am just now having my first evening drink (to
paraphrase someoone who spoke about having his first morning cup of
coffee), but I find Lucky's message *dead on*.

Lucky Green wrote:

> There is no hacking in the world that could create the kind of tool that
> would be needed to satisfy Tim. What would be required to satisfy Tim can't
> be done and I think that most long time CP's are be well aware of that. We
> have had this discussion over and over for many issues (PGP, MIME,..) for
> the last two years.

I was starting to get my hackles up at this point, preparing to rebut
Lucky's claims, until...

> The problem isn't that there are no tools for Tim's Mac, the problem is
> that there is _no way_ to do all these things on Netcom's UNIX host.
> 1. Tim: "I can't do any of the new things you are proposing because I don't
> have the tools."
> 2. Some CP: "Just download your mail to your local machine and process it
> there. There are many great ways to automate this on a Mac."
> 3. Tim: "I don't want to have to download mail for processing. I want to be
> able to do it all on Netcom's machine."
...rest elided...

A fair summary of the situation. And I consider the slight benefits of
signing to not be worth the effort of changing the tools I  have
managed to get working over the past couple of years.

By the way, Rishab mentioned getting PGP integrated into Netscape (or
other Mosaic-like tools). I heartily concur, and even made an
impassioned plea for this at the last CP meeting.

Netscape and a SLIP or PPP connection is what I expect to be shifting
too as things shake out, as versions become real, etc. (I've mentioned
this before.)

Also, Netscape the company (formerly Mosaic Communications) is seeking
to hire someone to do this. A clear opportunity for a Bay Area CP to
do something good and also probably become a millionaire.

(3,000 millionaires were created by Microsoft's success, and
Mosaic-Netscape may be comparable in success.)

--Tim May

Timothy C. May         | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,  
tcmay at netcom.com       | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
408-688-5409           | knowledge, reputations, information markets, 
W.A.S.T.E.: Aptos, CA  | black markets, collapse of governments.
Higher Power: 2^859433 | Public Key: PGP and MailSafe available.
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