Adam Smiths Money World

Brian D Williams talon57 at
Mon Aug 22 12:37:15 PDT 1994


 For those who missed it, the PBS show "Adam Smiths Money World"
was on privacy in the information age. It spent alot of time
demonstrating what was available on you if you knew where to look.

 It also profiled a company called "Kroll and Associates" that does
big business doing Blacknet type dossiers on people and
corporations. They apparently were able to trace more than 6
billion dollars of  So-damm-Insanes secret bank accounts. This
company supposedly does U.S. 50 mil a year in business.

 They also talked about the possibility of "reputation" companies
reresenting your privacy interests.

 The big point was that privacy is drastically decreasing, and that
privacy protection was a big growth industry.

 The unrestrained capitalism approach to the whole thing was very

Brian Williams

"Cryptocosmology: Sufficently advanced communication is
                  indistinguishable from noise." --Steve Witham

 "Have you ever had your phones tapped by the government? YOU WILL
  and the company that'll bring it to you....  AT&T" --James Speth

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