Are \"they\" really the enemy?

John Young jya at
Thu Aug 18 15:53:18 PDT 1994

Responding to msg by jdd at (Jim Dixon) on Thu, 
18 Aug  4:46 PM

Jim (and other respondents),

These discussions are pretty invigorating and I look forward to 
reading them.

Just want to say to Jim that the following remarks of yours 
made about someone's earnest thoughts:

>Personally, I find these statements very disturbing, 
>because they are so  empty.

Might be applied to your own later comments:

>You won't tear down the government without replacing 
>it.  And I would  argue that the more violent the means 
>used to tear down the government,  the more repressive 
>its successor.  Governments exist in part because  we 
>are such dangerous animals.

This rhetorical ploy comes across as an apology for the status 
quo and seems to offer counter-revolutionary cant instead of 
your best arguments for making rational, evolutional 
improvements to our inheritance.

My preference is for hard-wrought and hard-fought prickly 
specifics to easy, dreamy generalizations.  Even though both 
enrich the brew.

If this topic does not get blown off this list I would like to 
offer some specifics responses to your good stuff.

What say, c'punks, is this topic okay here?  Tim?  Anybody?  


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