cfs & remailers

Matt Blaze mab at
Wed Aug 17 10:22:44 PDT 1994

"Bill O'Hanlon" <wmo at> writes:
>On Wed, 17 Aug 94 10:22:19 -0500  Allan Bailey wrote:
>> Has anyone considered using a CFS directory (or directories) for
>> a remailer's files, spool, etc?

>I thought of two problems with it.
>1) I'd not only have to put the home directory of the remailer user under CFS,
>   but also the uucp and sendmail spool directories.  (Rebma has a UUCP 
>   connection for getting mail.)  Otherwise, security would be pointless, sinc
>   the messages would be coming in the clear to the spool directories.  Maybe
>   this wouldn't be so bad, but it seems like I'd have to do a lot of 
>   tinkering before I'd trust that sendmail wasn't gonna drop my other mail
>   on the floor.  (I get some consulting-type mail on this machine.  
>   Potentially, I can miss out on financial opportunity if my mail is not 
>   dependable.  Chalk my caution up to pure greed.)
>2) I'd have to come up with some kludge to spool the incoming mail files in
>   a directory if the CFS file systems weren't mounted.  (For example, if 
>   power failed on the machine, or it crashed and otherwise rebooted, and I
>   didn't notice and wasn't around to type the passphrase in to remount the
>   CFS system.)  

I'm working (with very low priority, unfortunately) on a sendmail hack
that spools mail (instead of bouncing) if the mailbox write fails.
This will be intended for a secure mail system that I'm working on
that uses CFS for its storage.  Stay tuned...

Another potential problem with sendmail->cfs interaction is that
CFS doesn't implement NFS file locking.  This isn't much of an issue with
a single host and a single instance of CFS, but could be a problem if the
mailboxes are read and written by other machines or are remotely mounted
by the machine running sendmail.

By the way, another mode of operation you might consider is to use a
"permanent" key (that you supply at boot time) for the spool directories
and a temporary key (assigned randomly by the machine at boot time)
for temp files that have only local significance but that may have 
sensitive data.  /usr/tmp points to /crypt/tmp on my machine for this
service (do a cmkdir and cattach at boot time. You also have to hack
cfs to make /crypt/tmp be mode 777).


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