The Law and the Network

cjl cjl at
Sun Aug 14 12:21:52 PDT 1994

The following was retyped from SCIENCE magazine (vol 265:p691).
I haven't seen it in E-circulation, and thought it would be of
revelance to the recent discussion of remailer liability.  Anyone
out there feel like standing up to express one of the many 
Cypherpunk points of view in front of the ABA and the AAAS?
I'd be curious to know who is attending from any of our favorite
TLA's?  This looks like just the kind of forum they might use to
drop ominous hints about their real intentions.  It would be good 
for there to be C-punk observers there at the very least.
Someone with a better usenet feed might want to repost this to 
the usual newsgroups.  
IMPORTANT NOTE:  Application deadline, August 19th 5pm EST
Computer Issues:  Call for Applications
Applications are invited for participation in the second conference on 
"Legal, Ethical, and Technological Aspects of Network Use and Abuse"
cosponsored by the National Conference of Lawyers and Scientists, a
joint committee of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
and the American Bar Association.
The workshop, scheduled for 7 to 9 October 1994 at a conference center not 
far from Washington DC, will weigh ideas about what is acceptable behavior
in a shared computer environment.  Discussions will center on three themes:
1) determining accountablilty and liabiltiy for network content;
2) defining what network content is "public" and what is "private"; and
3) what ethical, legal, and administrative frameworks should be employed
   for the global information infrastructure.
Up to three successful applicants will receive expenses to attend the 
workshop, which will have 40 participants from a variety of perspectives
and disciplines.
Each applicant must submit a 1000-word paper addressing one of the three 
themes above (the papers will be circulated prior to the meeting), a
short resume or biographical sketch, and a brief statement of how one's
expertise or perspective might contribute to the meeting.  The application
deadline is 19 August at 5pm EST.  E-mail responses are preferred.  Those
selected will be notified by 9 September.
Send applications or requests for more information to:  
Deborah Runkle
Directorate for Science and Policy Programs
American Association for the Advancement of Science
1333 "H" Street, NW
Washington, DC  20005
Phone:  (202) 326-6600
Fax:  (202) 289-4950
E-mail:  drunkle at

C. J. Leonard                     (    /      "DNA is groovy"
                                   \ /                - Watson & Crick
<cjl at>      / \     <--  major groove
                                  (    \
Finger for public key               \   )
Strong-arm for secret key             /    <--  minor groove
Thumb-screws for pass-phrase        /   )

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