A Helpful Tip for Impatient Souls

Tommy the Tourist (Anon User) nobody at CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Fri Aug 5 21:28:45 PDT 1994

Those wishing perhaps the ultimate in Cypherpunks ease-of-use
and greatest peace of mind, may find it useful to simply delete
everything that does NOT come from one of the following email

tcmay at netcom.com
frissell at panix.com
sandfort at crl.com

Additionally, you'll probably want to let through posts from
Hal Finney, Eric Hughes, and Bruce Schneier, but I forgot
their addresses off-hand and am much too lazy to look them up. :)

If you're using the "ELM" mailer, you can do this by creating a
file called filter-rules in your .elm directory, containing the
following text (more or less):

if (from contains "sandfort") then save "~/cypher"
if (from contains "frissell") then save "~/cypher"
if (from contains "tcmay") then save "~/cypher"
if (to contains "cypherpunks") then delete

Add additional addresses as needed, but be careful of excessive

To respond to the sender of this message, send mail to
remailer at soda.berkeley.edu, starting your message with
the following 8 lines:
Response-Key: the-clipper-key

MI@```&]^&2?(E<U9BPG1]W7L;=*KH_R`E[:HLL5(1[#C?F1F at +XOR[*O4;Q*

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