Revenge of the Nerds who Missed Woodstock

FutureNerd Steve Witham fnerd at
Thu Apr 28 14:48:59 PDT 1994

Anonymous quotes Stevens Miller paraphrasing Stuart Baker of the NSA:

Focusing on his spin rather than his content is a good idea, let's
spin a little more.

> - The debate over the Clipper proposal is "really just a culture clash
> among net-heads."

Yes, between authoritarians and libertarians who are aware of the issue.

> - Those opposing the proposal are late-coming counter-culturists, "who
> couldn't go to Woodstock because they had to do their trig homework."

Some things won in the 60s have suffered wear, tear, 
disrespect, distortion and retreat.  Other changes that happened then
were wrong.  If Mr. Baker is saying that we're a later generation
carrying on the work, I'm honored.

I was a natural in trig and didn't do my homework, but I did extra reading
in political topics in high school.  George Orwell's essays come to mind.

> - Opponents envision themselves as would-be "cybernauts in bandoliers and
> pocket-protectors."

Jes' patriotic citizens payin' our eternal vigilance dues.

Mr. Miller continues:

> I quote these remarks (as best I can from memory; my hands were shaking too
> much to write clearly at this point) to make it clear that our government's
> representative has reached a conclusion about the community opposing its
> plan.  He has concluded that the members of that community are so beneath
> his respect that it is more appropriate to make fun of them than it is to
> respond to their views.

Or he may have that little confidence in the substance of his own position.
Or he may have that little respect for reasoned public debate in general.
Or he may be that clueless about his opposition.
In any case I wouldn't assume (and Mr. Miller doesn't seem to) that Mr. 
Baker actually believes his own public statements.

quote me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Gradually, I become aware of a presence.
Between me and sustenance stands a woman in a suit. --Michael Swaine
Version: 2.3a


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