Canada and SIGINT

Bill Robinson barobins at
Tue Apr 26 17:29:55 PDT 1994

I'm pursuing a personal research project on the Communications Security 
Establishment, Canada's own tiny version of the National Security 
Agency.  I'm looking to make contact with anyone who has information, 
rumours, innuendo, hearsay, or whatever on this subject, or who is also 
just interested in it.

If anyone *is* interested, I have put together an introductory briefing on
CSE containing background information about the organization, its
facilities, and its mandate, along with my somewhat speculative analysis
of how its activities may relate to Canada's laws on eavesdropping.  No
secrets are revealed, but there is a fair amount of information that is
pretty hard to find.  E-mail me if you want me to send you a copy
(at roughly 30k, it seemed a bit long to ship out to everybody :-). 


Bill Robinson
barobins at

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