Sandy 72114.1712 at CompuServe.COM
Thu Sep 30 10:56:37 PDT 1993

  SANDY SANDFORT               Reply to:  ssandfort at attmail.com
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Here is probably one of those dumb questions we non-technical
types ask from time to time on this list.  Please indulge me
though, in case there is something to it.

In today's America, we live under the constant threat of police
seizure of our computer equipment and other assets.  Of course,
we can encrypt the information our files, but this is, at best, a
passive solution.  Are there any positive actions we can take?

POISON PILL--What, if anything, can be done to booby-trap a
computer?  Once the cops have a machine, one would expect that
they will paw through everything in it.  In addition, they will
probably use the stolen computer for their own data processing
needs.  What could be done have the computer screw up the cop's
data days, weeks or months after the seizure?  Of course, I would
never do such a thing myself, nor would I advise anyone else to
do so.  I do, however, have a passing academic interest in the
subject.  Same for you folks too, right?

 S a n d y

>>>>>>    Please send e-mail to:  ssandfort at attmail.com    <<<<<<

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