Let's stick to the topic, folks...

Andrew Corradini/SBDC Andrew.Corradini at m.cc.utah.edu
Sun Sep 12 11:58:23 PDT 1993

For purely practical reasons, could we all please try to limit stuff that'd
end up on soda.berkeley.edu in the "rants" directory? ;-)

This is a MAILING LIST, not a newsgroup, and some of us have pretty limited
space available. Debating constitutional issues, splitting hairs over the
difference between libertarianism and anarchism (let ALONE "strong" vs. "weak"
anarchy!) is best done in an alt.politics-type setting, no? I didn't subscribe
to the list to see 7-level-deep nested quotes arguing over whether anarchy is
fundamentally unstable; I suspect most others on the list didn't either. 

As I understood, and understand, the thrust of the group deals with the
TECHNOLOGY and TECHNIQUES involved in the application of cryptography to
privacy-related issues and the free distribution of "information", whether dirty
pictures, money, or a poem you just wrote to your loved one.

NOT the philosophy.

Please, for bandwidth's sake, would people please take their back-n-forth's.... 
*private*?! ;-)  (pun fully intended)

(deep breath, relax shoulder tension, stepping down from soapbox)

Thanks, y'all. I feel much better now.

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