A favor re Detweiler (ha ha ha)

Jamie Dinkelacker jamie at netcom.com
Sun Oct 24 23:58:40 PDT 1993

Hal Finney says:
>Since I do not live in the Bay area, I have never met Jamie Dinkelacker, 
>although I had the opportunity to meet Tim once when he visited southern 
>California.  So I am not in a position personally to assure Larry that 
>Jamie is a real person separate from Tim.  

Hello, world.

Here's a novel thought:  let's cut to the chase. 

My phone number is in my .sig block. Tim's in his. Call each of us
back-to-back and have a 3 minute conversation with each. If the caller
can't tell that we are different individuals, well ... . Do we sound the
same? Are there accents? What about our speech speed and rhythm? Word
choice? Sentence structure?

If this is an issue to Detweiler, why hasn't he put his suppositions to the
test by picking up the phone and, like a responsible adult, identifying
himself for a conversation. Instead, we get net.waste.bandwidth. The only
person to resolve this is Detweiler (unless Sniveling.Boxx takes me up on
my lunch offer and could then vouch for the distinctions between me and
Tim). If Detweiler really wanted to know the answer, he could find out for
himself. Why should others support his "learned helplessness?" 

The only reason Detweiler has not executed this test is that he avoids truth.

Is Detweiler aka Sternlight? Is that what's really being hidden? Is this
all a deception distracting us from the NSA/Straumli perversion? I don't
care about his anguish because I personally believe he's fabricated it to
toy with us and distract us. 

But, I must admit, if I'm to be associated with anybody, Tim's not a bad
choice: he's brilliant, articulate, wealthy, independent, good-looking and
has great taste in music and friends. Not bad things to be nymed with.

Hal, I invite your call. Call me mid-mornings PDT. As you know by private
email I've sent you, I truly appreciate your posts and learn from them.
Call me for a chat. Find out for yourself.

C'mon Detweiler, cut to the chase and face the truth. Sheeesh, how can we
miss you if you don't go away? ... (sigh).

Jamie Dinkelacker   Palo Alto CA 
Jamie at netcom.com    415.941.4782    

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